This webpage is intended for UK healthcare professionals. If you are not a healthcare professional, please click here.

The UK’s

Metoject® is the UK’s most prescribed methotrexate autoinjector, offering
the flexibility of 10 dosing options and a ≤5 second injection time1,2

Now with

Now with the simplicity of a new, button-free PEN, purpose designed with patient-friendly features

The UK’s

Now with

Metoject® is the UK’s most prescribed
methotrexate autoinjector, offering
the flexibility of 10 dosing options
and a ≤5 second injection time1,2

Now with the simplicity
of a new, button-free PEN,
purpose designed with
patient-friendly features

New features designed to improve the patient experience:*

  • Button-free autoinjector PEN
  • Acoustic signal at beginning and end of injection
  • Inspection window to see when injection complete
  • Hidden needle inside blue needle cover
  • Larger labelling with colour code
  • Angular shape with anti-rolling-feature

*New compared to the previous Metoject® PEN device.

Patient self-injection guide

Metoject® PEN is a single use device and is injected ONCE a week. Please read the following instructions carefully.

Remove the cap.
Do not bend or twist

Position the PEN

Start the injection

Hold the PEN in place to complete the injection

Finishing the injection

Disposing of the PEN

Patient self-injection guide video

Metoject® PEN is a single use device and is injected ONCE a week. Please read the following instructions carefully.

Keep up to date with everything Metoject®!

To get the latest product and service updates about Metoject®, please fill out the form below and subscribe to our mailing list.

* indicates required

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  1. Data on file
  2. Metoject PEN SPC: Available at, Last accessed Sept 2023

Further Information & Questions


Adverse events should be reported using the forms and information found at

Please also report any adverse events by email to medac drug safety at

Contact Us

For more information, please contact medac Pharma:

Tel: +44 (0)1786 458086

medac Pharma LLP
Scion House
Stirling University Innovation Park